It’s summer and wedding fever seems to be spreading faster than the swine flu. Instead of bawling at home during another sappy movie spooning straight from the tub of Ben & Jerry’s, here are some suggestions about how to enjoy your single-girl status.
1. Girl’s Night
While the obvious suggestion, try taking a new twist on an old classic. Instead of splurging on the nightlife, try trading cooking lessons. My girlfriends and I take turns cooking our specialty and teaching the others how. More of a Chef Boy-ar-dee? Try sharing other unique hobbies and talents with each other. You’ll find a newfound closeness with the girls and learn something new in the process!
2. Do something you’ve always wanted to
It’s definitely more difficult to jump start a hobby on your own, but flying solo makes you seem like the brazen, confident woman in the room! I personally love going to a new part of the city to window shop by myself. It’s nice to absorb a different environment without the distraction of others. Whether you pick up that Classic novel you’ve been waiting to read or start scuba diving- you’ll be living for you.
3. Adopt A Pet
Whether a Beta or a Binturong, studies show that owning an animal brings us personal fulfillment. Humans are notoriously social creatures and benefit from companionship. Studies show that we feel happier when pets are in the picture, so add one to the family, no matter how small! (1986 alert! Pet rocks do not count)
4. Find your inner creativity
My personal favorite, take some time to inspire yourself to keep a journal, doodle, or even make a blog! In a busy scheduled world, it’s so difficult to think outside the regimented norm. I have trained my brain to switch into creativity mode by turning on some new music and playing with a pencil. Sometimes I end up with an epic drawing, other times I just doodle around the song lyrics.
5. Subscribe to Something
I have tried Cosmo, Psychology Today, and Mental Floss although my friends highly recommend the Beer of The Month Club. It’s amazing the tid-bits you can pick up from new subscriptions that turn you into a suave factoid machine at the next social gathering. I prefer Psychology Today so that my party facts are at least backed by scientific evidence.
6. Be selfish
Everytime I’m around children (& sometimes men) I’m reminded what a challenge being a parent/girlfriend is. I feel so fortunate that I can come and go as I please without having to pack a diaper bag or my boyfriend’s toothbrush. Splurge on you and be thankful you’re not paying for two!
7. Plan a Trip
Speaking of paying for two- one airfare is much more reasonable than two. I’m a bit of a history buff and plan on visiting the Mayan ruins in Mexico soon. My girlfriends weren’t interested in joining, so I’m going to try this one on my own. Just planning the trip is giving me a sense of adventure!
8. Learn a Language
As an American, I’m probably lucky if I can recall high school Spanish. Now that I have time on Friday nights, I can learn something that will boost both my resume and dating pool.
9. Climb the Corporate Ladder
Focus on powering to the top! You are free to move anywhere without asking permission from your significant other! Take that big promotion in Paris!
10. Find YourselfDating magazines always profess that you have to be comfortable with who you are before you can share yourself with someone else. For once, I think they’re right. Think about what you want to be so you can find someone who complements that beautiful person you are!
Submitted by Kathryn.
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