sharing ideas for staying out of life's ruts...

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Your marriage: Instead of buying her chocolate

When I write this column, I imagine a potential reader and most of the time I write for wives and mothers. Today's list is meant for husbands and boyfriends. If your man isn't likely to find this blog, pass these hints along to give him ideas.

In past entries, I have shared stories of my husband Franz's surprises. He is very romantic and thoughtful and I remind myself every day how blessed I am to have his love. He wants me to have everything I want, every day and goes to extreme lengths to make me happy. Sometimes, though, it's not always helpful to get everything. My list today gives ideas for indulgances that are good for you and still fun to receive. If you want to encourage your wife in her quest for health, read on for ways to show her you love her without sabotaging her attempts.

1. Encourage her choices
Notice her workouts, tell her she looks sexy, and make her feel good about taking the time to eat right and exercise regularly.

2. Give her a massage
It doesn't matter if you're trained or not. Low lights, soft music, some scented candles, and lots of touching make for a wonderfully indulged feeling.

3. Paint her toes
I've read about this one several places but have never experienced it. I imagine it as something hilarious more than romantic since Franz thinks my feet could be a scary Halloween decoration. Hopefully your feet aren't so difficult and that his one is sensual instead of scary.

4. Give her compliments
We notice. When you tell us we are beautiful, intelligent and kind, we notice. My heart still speeds up just a little when Franz compliments the shade of my eyes. The European accent doesn't hurt...

5. Hold hands
When you're walking together, take her hand. It shows you want to be close and connected even in public.

6. Read to her
I love poetry and would melt if Franz sat next to me by a roaring fire reading a beatiful sonnet. He could read the Danish newspaper and I would think it was special. It's intimate and comforting.

7. Take her dancing
Dancing with the Stars has made us all want to waltz around the ballroom as gracefully as Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire. We watch the stars samba and tango and wish our men would dress up and take us out for a night of dancing.

8. Watch a romantic movie together
Although I am not a movie fan in general, I love sitting together and watching people fall in love. Make some popcorn, put your feet up and remember how wonderful it is to discover love.

9. Play her favorite music
Franz and I like similar music so this one happens more often than not in our household. If you enjoy country and she's rock and roll, give her CD some playing time when your driving around town.

10. Make a list of reasons you love her
My brother wrote this list for his wife on their 10th anniversary. Wow! I cannot imagine anything more romantic. Take time to tell her, in writing, what you love about her. Don't forget to mention the fact that you love that she takes care of herself as one of your items.

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